I’m Looking to Buy a Business Scott Messinger·September 24, 2010“I’m Looking to Buy a Business.” As a business broker based here in Florida this is a statement...IdeasTips·2 Comments·0
How Your Life Changing Experience can Build You a Successful Business Ivan Widjaya·September 24, 2010During our life’s journey, like it or not, we will encounter life-changing situations – those that can make...NewsPersonal DevelopmentTips·0 Comments·0
Internet Marketing for Dummies – by a Dummy (Business Broker/Owner) Scott Messinger·September 15, 2010I am a business broker that works with business owners with the process of buying and selling businesses....Personal Development·2 Comments·0
Are you a Successful Entprepreneur? What is Success, Anyway? Ivan Widjaya·September 5, 2010Entrepreneurs are hard-working group of people – while many of us dream of financial freedom and location independence,...Personal Development·0 Comments·0
My Life in Business, Where it Started and Where will it End Ivan Widjaya·September 3, 2010This is a guest article by Neil Jones I can’t say that I was one of the people...Personal Development·0 Comments·0
Is an Entrepreneur Born or Made? Ivan Widjaya·August 26, 2010This is a blog post by Neil Jones. Is an entrepreneur born or made? Here is what Wikepedia...News·0 Comments·0
Let a Business Broker Find Your Next Opportunity Mitch Biggs·August 8, 2010Mitch Biggs is a Featured Business & Finance Contributor to Associated Content. This is a reprint of...InvestingNegotiationTips·0 Comments·0
How to Build a Versatile Business Ivan Widjaya·July 19, 2010The flow of information and change of trends are much quicker today than ever. What was a trend...Tips·0 Comments·0
Entrepreneurship Lessons from 2010 World Cup Ivan Widjaya·June 22, 2010I enjoy taking business lessons from non-business niche. This time, I take a reflection and philosophical look at...NewsPersonal Development·1 Comment·0
5 Startup Misconception Jimi·June 19, 2010Starting a business is hard I know that, but perhaps we’ve been lead astray and taken to...Tips·2 Comments·0