From Sofia to Bistritsa: Bulgaria’s Expanding Real Estate Market and Ognian Bozarov’s Role in The Vale
Reasons Entrepreneurs Start or Buy a Business – Do They Apply to You? Scott Messinger·March 25, 2010How many times do you go to a cocktail party or just hang out with friends and hear...NewsPersonal DevelopmentPersonal FinanceTips·1 Comment·0
Pass On the Good Deed: Lessons Learned from a Reality TV Series Ivan Widjaya·March 12, 2010Lately, my wife and I enjoy watching a documentary or reality TV series titled “Amazing Adventure of a...Personal Development·0 Comments·0
We Suck Less Scott Messinger·February 25, 2010Back in 1985 I was working for (a Texas based Technology company ). We were bidding on a...NewsPersonal DevelopmentTips·0 Comments·0
Entrepreneurs: Are You Embracing Changes? Ivan Widjaya·February 4, 2010Things change rapidly today – business owners and entrepreneurs are required to be able to adapt to changes...Personal Development·5 Comments·0
Why Is It that You Will Work Your Butt Off for 16 Years in School for an Education to Get a Job but When It Comes to Your Own Business You Want Instant Gratification? Tyler WebCPA·February 2, 2010“Actually I’m an overnight success. But it took twenty years” – Monty Hall Most people who dream of...Personal Development·5 Comments·0
Are You a Happy Entrepreneur? Ivan Widjaya·January 26, 2010Entrepreneurs are often touted as one of the most fulfilled career paths in the world. A question to...Personal DevelopmentPersonal Finance·4 Comments·0
Work-Life Balance: How NOT to Let Your Business Runs Over Your Personal Life Ivan Widjaya·December 11, 2009For entrepreneurs, work-life balance is an even more crucial issue than for those who work for a boss....Personal DevelopmentProductivityTips·3 Comments·0
I Don’t Want to be The Next Facebook or Twitter Ivan Widjaya·November 17, 2009The Internet opens up literally thousands of ways to start an online business. However, if you think being...IdeasPersonal DevelopmentTips·0 Comments·0
Buried in Student Loans? Try Entrepreneurship Ivan Widjaya·November 14, 2009If you asked me what are the effective ways to eliminate or reduce student loans, my answer would...IdeasPersonal DevelopmentPersonal Finance·0 Comments·0
Why People are Afraid of Taking Risks and Becoming Entrepreneurs? Ivan Widjaya·October 26, 2009While people are carelessly spending their money and drying their credit cards, paying only the minimum, why they...Personal Development·0 Comments·0