Running a small business is itself a challenge. There are so many things involved and there is not enough resource and manpower available to solve them. So that means, as a small business owner, you need to have access to some tools, data and other things so that you can easily measure the probable outcome of your online marketing strategy to figure out whether your business is making the right move or not. Measuring what is most important for your business can help you take an informed decision that will go a long way to ensure better users experience and more sales.
Here we are going to share 5 crucial metrics that can help you immensely in this process:
Set the right Goal
Before you kick start a marketing campaign, you need to be very clear what you want your targeted readers do. Do you want them sign up for a newsletter, click on certain button page of your website or request a quote for a certain service? Since every business model is unique, success metrics for each business model needs to be unique as well. This is the reason why you should not be imitating the success model of other people because that may backfire and marketing strategy may get strangled.
Identify The Way You Want to Measure Effectiveness of Ad
Just running an ad is not the end of the job. You need to make sure that the campaign is performing well. The best way you can figure out whether your campaign is performing well or not is to look at certain metrics. CTR aka – Click through rate – is the number of clicks an ad receives divided by the number of times the ad is shown. A high CTR clearly signifies the fact that the audience is relevant and your targeted audience is finding it great. So, if the CTR is taking a plunge, it means, there is something wrong with the marketing strategy and you need to look at the factors influencing its performance.
Are Clicks Converting?
Just an impressive click through rate is not end of the task. You need to monitor closely whether the clicks are converting or not. Clicks that are not converting are simply waste of money. Now if the ad is clicked, you can be sure of one thing that the visitors are interested about your product or service. Then what making them growing cold feet once they land on the page? Are there too many distractions on the page or the offer is not that interesting? Look at your keywords, find out which keywords are converting and which keywords affecting your marketing campaign negatively. Redesign the landing page, realign the elements, make changes in the call to actions and see if things have changed for good or bad. It is purely a game of permutation and combinations.
Track if Customers are Getting Influenced
For some business models, driving traffic to their brick and mortar store is more important than driving traffic to their websites. People searching for local products are most likely to gather information about a local shop than ordering products online. So, Click To call ad will serve that particular purpose. This is a new addition from the house of Google that enables advertisers extend an option to targeted audience to call directly from the SERP. The best part of this ad is that you are charged only when someone clicks on to your ads.
Do Not Fear Experiment
The secret of success is making experiments. Even if your ads are performing well, it is your duty to experiment with the format, ad text, call to action and all that. You may never know when you strike it gold or find out a hidden gem. Since technology and customers are ever evolving, you may never know when ad fails to connect with your ads. Moreover, people like to see unique things all the time, so that means, you need to come with creative tidbits to be able to stay connected with your targeted audience.
About the Author: Michael Evans is a passionate blogger and he has written different articles on Cyprus Taxation.