When you were young and you told your parents that you wanted to pursue a degree in arts, they might have told you that it did not make any money. If you were smart enough to stick to your dreams and are currently looking for a way to make ends meet, you can use your artistic talents to pay your bills. Here are some small business ideas you can start by capitalizing on your artistic talents and skills.

D.I.Y. Tutorial Blogger
If you have been hiding under a rock, D.I.Y. means “do it yourself.” With the current state of the economy, many people have begun to enjoy creating artwork by themselves, be it on their nails or on a canvas. Many creative bloggers have turned this into a veritable career.
Set up a blog and focus on tutorials. You can upload videos to YouTube and link them to your blog. The aim is to garner as many hits as possible to improve your popularity. So how does that make money? The two words are, Google AdSense.
The beauty about doing this kind of small business idea as a job or startup is that you do not need credentials. All you need is sheer talent and the ability to recreate things. However, please keep in mind that you have to focus on a niche. This will help you direct your desired audience to your page. If you think you are not getting enough views, attract more people with a giveaway contest every few months.
Art Teacher
Art teachers fill their days with fun and teach children and teens how to unleash their creativity. Please note that since you will be teaching in an actual school, your credentials are important. Therefore, you need a degree in Fine Arts, which is a 4-year course. Most high school art teachers claim that continued education is also desired by most schools. Thus, getting a master’s degree will increase your chances of getting hired. Please note that it is important to visit the state licensing board to find out about what is required to become an art teacher.
Professional Musician
Every singer that you hear on the radio has a band behind him or her, so there are certainly jobs available for those who want to become a studio musician. Before pursuing a career as a professional studio musician, make sure that you go through with the necessary training at an accredited institution. A performing arts degree is a great way to gain the experience that you need to get your career off the ground. There are many different schools that offer performing arts degrees, so take the time to search through schools throughout the country and find the one that best matches your individual preferences.
Graphic Designer
A career in graphic design would be a lucrative step into the art industry. Keep in mind that not all graphic designers are formally trained. However, getting a degree would not be such a bad idea if you want to fine-tune your craft.
Start by picking out an area in graphic design that you believe you can excel in. Research more about your chosen sub-specialty by visiting blogs or forums. You can also ask established graphic designers more about their tools of choice.
Please note that pursuing a degree in this field will be helpful, especially when it comes to making connections, as you may get your first big break from other graphic artists who are looking forward to expanding their team or firm.
Wedding Photographer
Weddings are occasions that should be recorded for posterity’s sake. Thus, the bride and groom will usually go all out and splurge on a good crew to take videos and pictures of their wedding day. Photography is one of the most lucrative professions, as well as small business idea – especially if you are great at getting people’s angles.
The best part about photography business or career is that you have the option to digitally retouch photos. Therefore, you do not have to worry about the bride breathing down your neck and demanding to look at every picture, as beauty can be digitally-altered. Start by working as an assistant for a wedding photographer in your area. This will provide you with an idea about how the industry works.
If you have seriously considered art as a professional or entrepreneurial career, those four small business ideas are some of the most popular career choices at present. Unleash your inner creative genius and make money while you are at it. If you are interested in honing your artistic skills, consider further study with an art education master’s degree.